Quality & Quantity Construction Services (Q & Q), founded in 1987 as a design-build company by owner Frans Velthuijsen, has changed its focus to design and drafting services over the last few years.

Frans has a bachelor’s degree in Building Engineering (BBE) from the Netherlands and moved to California, where he worked for various renowned building companies till 1986. He and his wife have lived and worked in Nevada County since 1999.

Quality & Quantity Construction Services (Q & Q) worked with an in-house crew, trade contractors, and various consultants from 1987 through 2018 in the San Francisco Bay Area and Nevada County and surrounding areas. Around that time (2018), when some of his associates were either moving to another area or retiring, Frans decided to let go of the construction part of the design-build company to focus on providing design and drafting services to assist clients in getting building permits for their projects.